test drive
JVIS.Com will help you plan your career

Test Drive

Click here to experience the power and convenience of free of charge.

The Test Drive will demonstrate the convenience and flexibility of administering a test on any browser, at any location, and at any time of the day or night.

You'll be taken through a brief sample test, the Personal Style Questionnaire. Of course, offers much more than this brief sample test, with a wide variety of assessments ranging from career interest surveys like the JVIS, through personality assessments like the NEO-PI-3™ and PRF, to pre-employment screening tests like the ESQ2.

Once you complete the Personal Style Questionnaire sample test, you'll experience the power of instant results, as your answers are scored immediately and your results displayed online. A more detailed report will be emailed to you in Adobe PDF format.

Test drive now!

While the Test Drive introduces you to the possibilities of, your account offers you much, much more:

  • A wide selection of excellent assessments
  • Reasonable prices
  • Convenient online test administration
  • The ability to administer to clients off-site
  • Simple account management
  • Online test purchasing
  • Instant access to reports

Apply for your account now!

Need to know more? Please contact us for more information on how can meet your needs.

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SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.