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About and SIGMA Assessment Systems

SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc. is the publisher of and the assessments it offers. SIGMA is a founding member of the Association of Test Publishers, and has been providing products and services to human resource professionals, counselors, and psychologists for over 50 years. SIGMA publishes a variety of psychological instruments, including measures of ability, personality, and career interest. More details about SIGMA Assessment Systems can be found at our main web site, Click here to contact us. Click here to learn more about the terms of use for this site.

Association of Test Publishers: Founding Member
As a founding member of the Association of Test Publishers, SIGMA is committed to protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your assessment data.

SIGMA's founder, Douglas N. Jackson, Ph.D., authored the instruments available through, with few exceptions. Over the course of his long and prolific career, he published over 200 articles in refereed journals, several dozen book chapters, and held the position of Chair of the American Psychological Association's Committee on Psychological Tests and Assessments. He also served as President of the Society for Multivariate Experimental Psychology and as President of APA's Division of Measurement, Evaluation and Statistics. Dr. Jackson was one of a very few US Citizens elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada for his contributions to psychological science.

SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.