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Ashland Interest Assessment (AIA)


  • Career and educational counseling for high school, counseling center, employment center, learning center, or youth services center.
  • Career planning for:
    • individuals with a limited access to education.
    • developmentally delayed or handicapped, or learning disabled individuals.
    • chronically unemployed people.
    • individuals with a chronic emotional or psychiatric condition, or brain injury.
    • school-to-work students.
    • individuals with a limited familiarity with the English language.


The AIA consists of 144 pairs of work related activities requiring the respondent to choose which activity he or she would like to do most. The results are printed in clear and easy to understand format.

The AIA items represent work tasks typically associated with a particular occupation, such as clerical worker, sales person, or health care attendant. In other cases the items more broadly represent general work roles, such as those involving Arts and Crafts or Personal Service.

Administration Languages

  • English
  • French

Report Languages

  • English
  • French

Sample Report

Click here to view the U.S. version of the AIA sample report. For a sample Canadian AIA report, click here. And finally, click here for a sample French Canadian report.


Click here for AIA pricing.

* automatically generates the appropriate report version for your client and account. A Canadian report will be generated if you select Canada when entering your client's optional address information. If you do not specify a country for your client, your account's country setting will be used. The U.S. version of the report will be generated for all non-Canadians.

SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.