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Basic Personality Inventory (BPI)


  • In public institutions, private psychological, psychiatric, and counseling practices
  • In juvenile and adult correctional facilities or in court referrals Personnel screening and selection
  • Research with alcoholism, eating disorders, juvenile delinquency


The BPI is a multiphasic personality inventory intended for use with both clinical and normal populations to identify sources of maladjustment and personal strengths. The easy reading level (grade 5) means the BPI may be used with a variety of adolescent and adult groups. Consisting of 240 true/false items, and 11 substantive clinical scales and one critical item scale, the BPI can be completed in approximately 35 minutes—about half the time required to complete other popular measures. The scale names, chosen to avoid potentially inaccurate diagnostic labels while emphasizing construct dimensions of psychopathology, include: Alienation, Anxiety, Denial, Depression, Deviation, Hypochondriasis, Impulse Expression, Interpersonal Problems, Persecutory Ideas, Self Depreciation, Social Introversion, Thinking Disorder .

Highly sophisticated scale construction procedures were employed to foster scale validities and freedom from response biases. Test booklets were revised in 1995 to replace objectionable items.

Reliability and Validity

An extensive variety of validity data is presented in the manual. Separate BPI profiles are presented for groups of psychiatric patients experiencing different symptoms ranging from anorexia to suicidal behavior and hallucinations. Substantial evidence of convergent and discriminant validities with clinical rating criteria is also presented. Relationships with a variety of widely used assessment instruments are reported in the manual. For example, correlational studies and factor analysis procedures indicate that the BPI and a well known multiphasic personality inventory share loadings on the same 5 factors. BPI profiles for a variety of case studies are provided. Test-retest and internal consistency reliability data for several groups are reported in the test manual.

Administration Languages

  • English

Report Languages

  • English

Sample Report

Click here for a BPI sample report.


Click here for BPI pricing.

SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.