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Career Directions Inventory (CDI)


  • Assist high school, college, and university students in the process of formulating career and education plans
  • Aid adults in making career change decisions


The CDI was developed to assist high school and college students and adults in educational and career planning. The CDI machine-scorable question and answer document contains a total of 100 triads of statements describing job related activities. For each triad, the respondent is asked to mark his/her most preferred and least preferred activity. The inventory can generally be completed in 30 to 45 minutes. Items were selected to be easy in content and vocabulary. An emphasis was placed on activities involved in sales, service and technical occupations. Computerized scoring yields a sex-fair profile of 15 basic interest scales that encompass both work roles and work styles: Administration, Art, Assertive, Clerical, Food Service, Industrial Arts, Health Service, Outdoors, Personal Service, Persuasive, Sales, Science & Technology, Systematic, Teaching/Social Service, Writing. Both the U.S. and the Canadian versions* of the CDI report are available on

Administration Languages

  • English

Report Languages

  • English

Sample Report

Click here for the U.S. version of the CDI sample report. For a sample Canadian report, click here.


Click here for CDI pricing.

* automatically generates the appropriate report version for your client and account. A Canadian report will be generated if you select Canada when entering your client's optional address information. If you do not specify a country for your client, your account's country setting will be used. The U.S. version of the report will be generated for all non-Canadians.

SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.