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Jackson Career Explorer (JCE)

The Jackson Career Explorer (JCE) is an interest assessment that guides people toward satisfying and fulfilling careers. The comprehensive report provides a wealth of personalized career information including the following features:

  • Fit with 32 different Job Groups and in-depth information on the individual's top 3 jobs
  • Fit with 17 different Education Groups
  • Ranks 34 Basic Interests
  • Highlights Work Personality preferences
  • Showcases thousands of job resources customized to the individual’s results, including action steps and interpretive tips
  • Provides links to over 850 sample job codes from O*NET or NOC, organizations, and web-based career resources


The JCE accurately measures specific areas of career interest, ways of approaching work, and job groups associated with these areas of interest. Results are generated based on scoring algorithms that have been tested and refined to produce optimal results. The JCE accurately identifies the career interests that will motivate students and career seekers to discover enriching, fulfilling careers.


The JCE is a derivative of the Jackson Vocational Interest Survey (JVIS), first published in 1977 and considered to be one of the most well-respected career interest assessments on the market. The JCE was developed by employing advanced test construction methods to identify the items most diagnostic of each of the 34 Basic Interest Scales that form the foundation of the JVIS.


The JCE is grounded in science. More than 40 psychologists and career experts have worked on the development of the JCE and its predecessor, the JVIS, over the past 45 years. Research has shown that the JCE is a valid and reliable career interest assessment.

Administration Languages

  • English
  • French (Canadian)

Report Languages

  • English
  • French (Canadian)

Sample Reports

View the versions of the sample reports using the links below:
  · U.S. Sample Report
  · Canadian Sample Report
  · French-Canadian Sample Report


Click here for JCE pricing.

* automatically generates the appropriate report version for your client and account. A Canadian report will be generated if you select Canada when entering your client's optional address information. A French Canadian report will be generated if you've set the client's report language to French. If you do not specify a country for your client, your account's country setting will be used. The U.S. version of the eport will be generated for all other countries.

SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.