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Leadership Development Report (LDR)

Revised Report

150 score-relevant descriptions have been added for the 25 LDR personality scales, resulting in a more accurate depiction of subtle differences in leadership personality and style.


  • In business and industrial settings for pre-hire assessment
  • As a development and counseling aid for managers and executives
  • Useful in team building exercises


A comprehensive developmental report that provides your client with practical management and leadership advice. The report translates technical, psychological and personality language into business oriented language, and gives your client an understanding of how his/her personality affects his/her management style. The report has been carefully developed by a successful management psychologist and a leading personality assessment research psychologist based on research with more than 1500 senior managers. It employs leading-edge technology based on complex statistical modeling to provide focused advice, free of contradictions. This in-depth report includes graphs and extensive narrative materials

Administration Languages

  • English

Report Languages

  • English

Sample Report

Click here for a sample LDR report.


Click here for LDR pricing.

SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.