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Leadership Skills Profile - Revised (LSP-R)

The LSP-R is a unique, personality-based assessment that uses information about an individual’s personality to predict their strengths and development opportunities. The LSP-R predicts performance on 50 competencies that are critical to leadership effectiveness. When combined with the benchmarking option, this assessment allows you to identify in advance those leadership competencies that are most critical for effectiveness in your organization and generate a report that includes information on only those competencies.

The Leadership Skills Profile-Revised (LSP-R) family now features three products designed to fill your leadership development and selection needs:


  • A pre-hire assessment for selection and placement of job applicants
  • An aid for succession planning and other HR functions such as talent management
  • A foundation for leadership development and executive coaching programs

The LSP-R predicts leadership performance on the following 50 competencies:

  • Cognitive Leadership Skills
    • Analytical Orientation
    • Business Acumen
    • Creativity
    • Decisiveness
    • Objectivity
    • Prioritizing
    • Risk Taking
    • Technical Orientation
    • Thoroughness
  • Interpersonal Leadership Skills
    • Active Listening
    • Client/Customer Focus
    • Communication
    • Conflict Management
    • First Impression
    • Formal Presentation
    • Interpersonal Relations
    • Negotiation
    • Operating Upwards
    • Persuasiveness
    • Sensitivity
    • Social Astuteness
  • Personal Leadership Qualities
    • Achievement and Motivation
    • Ambition
    • Dependability
    • Desire to Learn
    • Emotional Control
    • Flexibility
    • Independence
    • Integrity
    • Open-Mindedness
    • Productivity
    • Self-Discipline
    • Self-Esteem
    • Valuing Diversity
    • Work/Life Balance
  • Senior Leadership Qualities
    • Assuming Responsibility
    • Attracting Staff
    • Delegation
    • Developing/Coaching Others
    • Emphasizing Excellence
    • Facilitating Teamwork
    • Inspirational Role Model
    • Involving Direct Reports
    • Monitoring and Controlling
    • Motivating Others
    • Organizational Spokesperson
    • Organizing the Work of Others
    • Short-Term Planning
    • Strategic Planning
    • Vision


The LSP-R is rooted in three well-researched, standardized measures of personality: the Personality Research Form (PRF), the Jackson Personality Inventory-Revised (JPI-R), and the Survey of Work Styles (SWS). The LSP-R items were selected from a pool of over 4700 personality items using rigorous quantitative techniques.

Reliability and Validity

The PRF, JPI-R, and SWS, the measures upon which the LSP-R is based, have consistently displayed solid evidence of convergent and discriminant validity with self and peer ratings, as well as with numerous other measures. The research literature in psychology contains approximately 2000 articles citing one or more of these measures. Reliability estimates of each measure’s scales are reported in detail in the respective manuals.

Administration Languages

  • English

Report Languages

  • English

LSP-R Products

LSP-R Focus Report (LSP-R Focus)

The LSP-R Focus Report provides a powerful leadership solution that simplifies leadership development by clearly identifying those traits that leaders can realistically develop quickly to strengthen their day-to-day performance. The report also includes an easy-to-use development guide to support either self-directed or coaching-augmented leadership development.

Features and Benefits

  • Concise, focused report
  • myZONE feature highlights those competencies that represent a leader’s most immediate opportunities for development
  • Dynamic narrative feedback provides insight into how personality may affect an individual’s leadership
  • Integrated LSP-R Development Guide facilitates self-directed development

Sample Report

Click here for a sample of the LSP-R Focus report.


Click here for LSP-R Focus Report pricing.

LSP-R Selection Report (LSP-R Selection)

The LSP-R Selection Report uses the latest data-driven science on leadership theory and personality measurement to predict performance on critical leadership competencies and explain, in detail, how the candidate’s personality is likely to impact their leadership effectiveness.

Features and Benefits

  • Concise, focused report
  • Summary scores make “at a glance” comparisons between candidates easy
  • Detailed analysis for candidate on each of the 50 leadership competencies provides breadth of coverage

Sample Report

Click here for a sample of the LSP-R Selection report.


Click here for LSP-R Selection Report pricing.

LSP-R Selection + Focus

When used together, the LSP-R Selection and Focus Reports deliver a powerful, complementary leadership solution that allows you to make the most of your selection assessment and development efforts.


Click here for LSP-R Selection + Focus Report pricing.

SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.