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Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-II


  • Psychologists looking for a comprehensive measure of general cognitive ability or intelligence (IQ)
  • Qualified individuals looking to assess cognitive ability and aptitudes for employment purposes
  • Research into intelligence and its relation to other psychological constructs, job performance, and learning; neuropsychological assessment and research
  • Software administration with various report options


The Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-II (MAB-II) is a world-class assessment of aptitude and intelligence. It assesses 10 distinct domains of human intellectual functioning grouped into two broader categories of scores – verbal and performance. The MAB-II can add an objective measure of ability to any selection battery and has been used successfully in military, government, and law enforcement settings.

Highly sophisticated scale construction procedures were employed to foster scale validities and freedom from response biases. Test booklets were revised in 1995 to replace objectionable items.

Reliability and Validity

Test-retest reliabilities on separately timed test administrations obtained values for total scores of .95 for Verbal, .96 for Performance, and .97 for the Full Scale total scores. The MAB-II Full Scale correlation with one widely used IQ measure is .91. The MAB-II manual contains scale descriptions, perspectives on intelligence theory and research, and information on the psychometric properties of the MAB-II.

Administration Languages

  • English

Administration Requirements

The MAB-II must be administered in a proctored environment. The MAB-II can be administered using recent versions of most browsers, including Internet Explorer 9 or later, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, but not Safari. Javascript must be enabled on the browser, and a screen width of at least 768 pixels is required. Cookies should also be enabled. The MAB-II saves answers at regular intervals throughout each timed test using a background service that requires an authentication cookie. The MAB-II can be administered using a browser with cookies disabled, but answers will only be saved at the end of each timed test and will be lost if administration is interrupted before the end of the timed test.

Please note that some devices and browsers may have difficulty displaying the images that make up the Performance section of the MAB-II in a timely fashion. We recommend testing the MAB-II on your device before using it for a live administration.

Report Languages

  • English

Sample Report

Click here for a MAB-II sample report.


Click here for MAB-II pricing.

SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.