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Multidimensional Emotional Intelligence Assessment - Revised (MEIA-R)


  • Qualified professionals looking to assist clients with enhancing self-awareness and understanding their trait emotional intelligence (EI)
  • Career counselors looking to leverage EI as a basis for discussions regarding career and educational opportunities
  • Psychologists seeking a brief, comprehensive, personality-based measure of EI
  • Researchers investigating trait-based emotional intelligence
  • Those seeking a convenient online administration with an easy to interpret report that highlights how key components of EI affect an individual’s well-being and interpersonal relationships


The Multidimensional Emotional Intelligence Assessment – Revised (MEIA-R) is the next generation of our original MEIA. The MEIA-R is an 84-item, self-report, trait-based measure of EI based on Salovey and Mayer’s (1990) multidimensional model of EI. The assessment includes 11 dimensions of EI (listed below), and an Infrequency scale to detect non-purposeful responding.

  • Recognition of Emotion in the Self
  • Regulation of Emotion in the Self
  • Recognition of Emotion in Others
  • Regulation of Emotion in Others
  • Expressive Control
  • Empathy
  • Trust in Intuition
  • Creative Thinking
  • Mood Redirected Attention
  • Motivation
  • Delayed Gratification

How Does the MEIA-R Differ from the MEIA?

The MEIA-R offers several optimizations relative to the MEIA based on client feedback, and several rigorous empirical studies. These changes include:

  • Broader coverage of the EI domain. We’ve added a Delayed Gratification scale, recognizing that focused attention and effort on longer term goals, versus pursuit of opportunities that provide short-term rewards, is critical for goal attainment.
  • Shorter administration time. The MEIA-R consists of fewer items, while remaining as reliable, valid, and trustworthy as the original MEIA. The MEIA-R can be completed in approximately 15 minutes.
  • Updated content. Based on several rigorous studies, we’ve updated the item content to be more clear and relevant to individuals’ life experiences. Scale names and definitions have also been updated to more closely reflect their impact on relevant behaviors.

Distinguishing Features

The test construction method used to develop the MEIA-R sets it apart from other EI measures currently available on the market. Some of its unique features include:

  • Distinct coverage of each facet defined by Salovey and Mayer’s (1990) influential model of EI
  • Minimized susceptibility to socially desirable responding and acquiescence response bias
  • Documented content validity, structural validity, and incremental validity
  • Also available in a workplace version – the Multidimensional Emotional Intelligence Assessment – Workplace – Revised (MEIA-W-R) with norms based on 940 incumbents

Administration Languages

  • English

Report Languages

  • English

Sample Report

Click here for a sample MEIA-R report.


Click here for MEIA-R pricing.

SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.