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Occupational Stress Inventory - Revised Edition™ (OSI-R™)1


  • Identifying work roles that cause stress
  • Discovering sources of stress in organizations or occupational units
  • Helping individuals improve their coping skills
  • Acheiving an optimum fit between individuals and their work environment
  • Measuring improvements in stress levels after intervention


The revised edition of the Occupational Stress Inventory (OSI-R) is a concise measure of three dimensions of occupational adjustment: occupational stress, psychological strain, and coping resources. For each of these domains, scales measure specific attributes of the environment or individual that represent important characteristics of occupational adjustment.

Reading level analyses of the OSI-R indicate that a 5th grade reading ability is required to complete the instrument. The OSI-R requires at takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and yields a 4 page report containing profiles of the respondent's scores on each of the 14 OSI-R scales, as well as scale descriptions and other interpretive material.

Administration Languages

  • English

Report Languages

  • English

Sample Report

Click here for a sample OSI-R report.


Click here for OSI-R pricing.

1 Reproduced by special permission of the Publisher, Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 North Florida Avenue, Lutz, Florida 33549. Copyright © 1981, 1983, 1987, 1992, 1998 by Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission from PAR, Inc.

SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.