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Psychological Screening Inventory - 2

The Psychological Screening Inventory - 2 meets the need for a brief mental health screening device in situations where time and professional labor may be a premium. It is considered appropriate for use wherever professional personnel with a broad mental health responsibility are called upon to make fairly specific decisions or answer fairly specific questions on a routine basis, and where deliberate response distortion is not a significant concern. Such situations are commonly found in community clinics and referral agencies, college counseling offices, hospitals and other medical facilities, courts and reformatories, and other mental health screening settings.

The PSI-2 consists of 139 items, and returns scores on three sets of scales:

  • 4 BASIC SCREENING SCALES assessing major categories of psychological dysfunction (major psychiatric disorder , significant antisocial characteristics , general psychological distress , and depression ), plus a measure of the personality trait extroversion-introversion and a measure of general test-taking defensiveness .
  • 21 BRIEF CONTENT SCALES that may yield additional information.
  • 6 MISREPRESENTATION SCALES for further analysis of the respondent's degree of cooperation vs. misrepresentation.

Administration Languages

  • English

Report Languages

  • English

Sample Report

Click here for a sample PSI-2 report.


Click here for PSI-2 pricing.

SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.