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Six Factor Personality Questionnaire (SFPQ)


  • Assessment of normal adult personality
  • In business and industrial settings
  • In counseling and clinical settings
  • Research requiring a broad coverage of personality dimensions


The SFPQ is a measure of six personality dimensions each consisting of three facet scales, measured by 108 Likert items. The SFPQ encompasses and extends the popular Big Five factors of personality and facets underlying these factors. Its development has benefited from modern construct-oriented methods of personality scale construction, having originated from the thousands of personality questionnaire items comprising the original item pools of the Personality Research Form (Jackson, 1967, 1974, 1984) and the Jackson Personality Inventory (Jackson, 1976, 1994). Norms are based on systematically sampled groups of adult males and females drawn from the United States and Canada. The SFPQ facet scales are as follows, organized in terms of six factor scales:
Agreeableness: Abasement, Even-Tempered, Good-Natured
Extraversion: Affiliation, Dominance, Exhibition
Independence: Autonomy, Individualism, Self-Reliance
Industriousness: Achievement, Seriousness, Endurance
Methodicalness: Cognitive Structure, Deliberateness, Order
Openness to Experience: Change, Understanding, Breadth of Interest

Reliability and Validity

The manual contains reliability estimates. Internal consistency of the factor scales range from .76 to .86. Evidence of convergent and discriminant validity, factorial validity, and criterion validity is also provided in the manual.

Administration Languages

  • English
  • French (Canada)

Report Languages

  • English

Sample Report

Click here for a sample SFPQ report.


Click here for SFPQ pricing.

SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.