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Career Planning Instruments


Ashland Interest Assessment (AIA)

  The AIA was designed to assist adolescents, or challenged individuals in identifying satisfying careers. Written at the grade three reading level, the AIA is ideal for people with barriers to employment due to educational, physical, emotional, cognitive and psychiatric conditions. Sample Report


Jackson Career Explorer (JCE)

  The Jackson Career Explorer is a short-form version of our most popular and distinguished assessment, the Jackson Vocation Interest Survey (JVIS). The JCE takes only 20 minutes to complete and generates top job recommendations, career guidance, and customized resources guided by science and experts in the field. Sample Report


Jackson Vocational Interest Survey (JVIS)

  The JVIS consists of 289 pairs of statements describing job related activities and requires approximately 45 minutes to complete. The JVIS employs a forced-choice format, asking the respondent to indicate a preference between two equally popular interests. The detailed JVIS report includes the basic interest profile, a profile for 10 general occupational themes, a profile of similarity to 17 educational major field clusters, a ranking of 32 occupational group clusters, validity scales, an academic satisfaction score and other information. A narrative summary of the 3 highest-ranked educational and occupational clusters is particularly useful. Finally a section entitled "Where to Go From Here" offers information on related career exploration books and activities. Sample Report
SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.