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Leadership Development Instruments


Jackson Personality Inventory - Revised (JPI-R)

  The JPI-R measures variables associated with people's interpersonal, educational, and work-related behavior and functioning. It is useful in personnel selection, team-building, managerial counseling, and research. Please see the manual for JPI-R scales that are empirically linked to more than 40 managerial performance dimensions. Sample Report


Leadership Character Insight Assessment (LCIA)

  The Leadership Character Insight Assessment is the product of a creative and dynamic partnership between experts in leadership at the Ivey Business School and experts in assessment at SIGMA. It is designed to measure leadership character and provide leaders and potential leaders with practical insight. Sample Report


Leadership Development Report (LDR)

  A unique, empirically based assessment that analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of a leader on 25 work-relevant personality dimensions. The LDR recommends strategies for maximizing leadership effectiveness based on one's personality profile. Sample Report


Leadership Skills Profile - Revised: Focus Report (LSPR-Focus)

  The LSP-R Focus Report provides a powerful leadership solution that simplifies leadership development by clearly identifying those traits that leaders can realistically develop quickly to strengthen their day-to-day performance. The report also includes an easy-to-use development guide to support either self-directed or coaching-augmented leadership development. Sample Report


Occupational Stress Inventory - Revised Edition™ (OSI-R™)1

  The revised edition of the Occupational Stress Inventory (OSI-R) is a concise measure of three dimensions of occupational adjustment: occupational stress, psychological strain, and coping resources. For each of these domains, scales measure specific attributes of the environment or individual that represent important characteristics of occupational adjustment. Sample Report


Personality Research Form E (PRF)

  The PRF measures 22 personality traits relevant to the normal functioning of individuals in a wide variety of situations. It is useful in a wide range of settings, including employee selection, sports psychology, and in clinics. Complies with Americans with Disabilities Act. Sample Report


Personnel Assessment Form (PAF)

  The PAF is a convenient, objective measure of general mental ability and intelligence. The PAF is available in two forms. Form A contains more difficult items and is more accurate at a high range than Form C. Form C's less difficult items are more accurate at the lower range of scores. Each form consists of 2 timed subtests, Verbal and Quantitative. Sample Report


Six Factor Personality Questionnaire (SFPQ)

  The SFPQ encompasses and extends the Big-5. Research provided strong evidence that dividing Conscientiousness into Industriousness and Methodicalness improves convergent and discriminant validity. The SFPQ is quick to administer, having only 108 items. Sample Report


Survey of Work Styles (SWS)

  The SWS measures six distinct components of the Type A behavior pattern, including impatience, anger, time urgency, competitiveness, and job dissatisfaction. The SWS can be used for employee selection and placement, managerial counseling, and as an assessment of work attitudes and work-related stress. Sample Report

2 The OSI-R has been reproduced by special permission of the Publisher, Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 North Florida Avenue, Lutz, Florida 33549. Copyright © 1981, 1983, 1987, 1992, 1998 by Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission from PAR, Inc.

SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.