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Personality and Behavior Instruments


Basic Personality Inventory (BPI)

  The BPI is a multiphasic personality inventory intended for use with both clinical and normal populations to identify sources of maladjustment and personal strengths. The easy reading level (grade 5) means the BPI may be used with a variety of adolescent and adult groups. Sample Report


Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology - Basic Questionnaire (DAPP-BQ)

  The Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology - Basic Questionnaire (DAPP-BQ) provides a convenient and detailed assessment of personality disorder for psychologists, psychiatrists, and other professionals. The instrument is designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of the basic dimensions of personality disorder and clinically relevant personality traits. It assesses a variety of affective, cognitive, and interpersonal characteristics that have important implications for a person’s mental health, adjustment, and well being. Sample Report


Five-Factor Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire (FF-NPQ)

  This image-based questionnaire measures the 'Big Five' normal personality factors. In addition to the standard uses for a measure of normal personality, the FF-NPQ's unique item illustrations are ideal for use in cross-cultural situations and other applications where language understanding might be an issue. Sample Report


Jackson Personality Inventory - Revised (JPI-R)

  The JPI-R measures variables associated with people's interpersonal, educational, and work-related behavior and functioning. It is useful in personnel selection, team-building, managerial counseling, and research. Please see the manual for JPI-R scales that are empirically linked to more than 40 managerial performance dimensions. Sample Report


Multidimensional Emotional Intelligence Assessment (MEIA)

  The Multidimensional Emotional Intelligence Assessment (MEIA) is a 150-item, self-report measure of emotional intelligence (EI) based on Salovey and Mayer's (1990) multidimensional conceptualization of EI, and takes about 20 minutes to complete. The MEIA includes 10 primary scales, an Infrequency scale, and two experimental scales. Sample Report


NEO Personality Inventory-3™

  The NEO-PI-3™ is the updated version of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R™) – the standard questionnaire of the Five-Factor Model (FFM). It is a concise measure of the five major domains of personality (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness) and the six facets that define each domain.
  Sample Basic Report for Business
Sample Basic Report for Counseling


Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire (NPQ)

  The Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire is an image-based measure of normal personality designed to measure 16 different personality traits highlighted by Murray (1938) in his system of needs. In addition to the standard uses for a measure of normal personality, the NPQ's unique item illustrations are ideal for use in cross-cultural situations and other applications where language understanding might be an issue. Sample Report


Occupational Stress Inventory - Revised Edition™ (OSI-R™)2

  The revised edition of the Occupational Stress Inventory (OSI-R) is a concise measure of three dimensions of occupational adjustment: occupational stress, psychological strain, and coping resources. For each of these domains, scales measure specific attributes of the environment or individual that represent important characteristics of occupational adjustment. Sample Report


Personality Research Form E (PRF)

  The PRF measures 22 personality traits relevant to the normal functioning of individuals in a wide variety of situations. It is useful in a wide range of settings, including employee selection, sports psychology, and in clinics. Sample Report


Psychological Screening Inventory - 2

  The Psychological Screening Inventory - 2 meets the need for a brief mental health screening device in situations where time and professional labor may be a premium. It is considered appropriate for use wherever professional personnel with a broad mental health responsibility are called upon to make fairly specific decisions or answer fairly specific questions on a routine basis, and where deliberate response distortion is not a significant concern. Such situations are commonly found in community clinics and referral agencies, college counseling offices, hospitals and other medical facilities, courts and reformatories, and other mental health screening settings. Sample Report


Six Factor Personality Questionnaire (SFPQ)

  The SFPQ encompasses and extends the Big-5. Research provided strong evidence that dividing Conscientiousness into Industriousness and Methodicalness improves convergent and discriminant validity. The SFPQ is quick to administer, having only 108 items. Sample Report


Survey of Work Styles (SWS)

  The SWS measures six distinct components of the Type A behavior pattern, including impatience, anger, time urgency, competitiveness, and job dissatisfaction. The SWS can be used for employee selection and placement, managerial counseling, and as an assessment of work attitudes and work-related stress. Sample Report

1 The NEO-PI-3 has been reproduced by special permission of the Publisher, Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 North Florida Avenue, Lutz, Florida 33549. Copyright © 1985, 1989, 1992, 1995, 2010 by Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission from PAR, Inc.

2 The OSI-R has been reproduced by special permission of the Publisher, Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 North Florida Avenue, Lutz, Florida 33549. Copyright © 1981, 1983, 1987, 1992, 1998 by Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission from PAR, Inc.

SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.