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(All prices in Canadian dollars)
Ashland Interest Assessment (AIA)
ALL: CDN$16.00 each

Basic Personality Inventory (BPI)
Price: CDN$28.00 each

Jackson Personality Inventory - Revised (JPI-R),
Personality Research Form (PRF),
Six Factor Personality Questionnaire (SFPQ),
Prices: CDN$28.00 each

Survey of Work Styles (SWS):
Prices: CDN$29.00 each

Career Directions Inventory (CDI)
ALL: CDN$16.00 each

Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology - Basic Questionnaire (DAPP-BQ)
Prices: CDN$23.50 each

Employee Screening Questionnaire 2,
Employee Screening Questionnaire - Call Center,
Personnel Assessment Form:
Price: CDN$30.00 each

Five-Factor Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire (FF-NPQ)
Price: CDN$19.00 each

Jackson Career Explorer (JCE),
Jackson Vocational Interest Survey (JVIS)
Price: CDN$16.00 each

Leadership Character Insight Assessment:
Price: CDN$60.00 each

Leadership Development Report:
Price: CDN$132.00 each

Leadership Skills Profile - Focus Report (LSP-Focus):
Leadership Skills Profile - Development Report (LSP-DR):
Price: CDN$145.00 each

Leadership Skills Profile - Selection Report (LSP-SR):
Price: CDN$302.00 each

Leadership Skills Profile - Selection+Development (LSP-S+D):
Price: CDN$386.00 each

Leadership Skills Profile - Revised: Focus Report (LSP-R Focus):
Price: CDN$145.00 each

Leadership Skills Profile - Revised: Selection Report (LSP-R Selection):
Price: CDN$302.00 each

Leadership Skills Profile - Revised: Selection + Focus (LSP-R S+F):
Price: CDN$386.00 each
Upgrade from LSP-R Selection: CDN$107.00 each

Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-II (MAB-II)
Price: CDN$45.00 each

Multidimensional Emotional Intelligence Assessment - Revised (MEIA-R)
All: CDN$44.00 each

Multidimensional Emotional Intelligence Assessment - Workplace - Revised (MEIA-W-R)
All: CDN$71.00 each

NEO Personality Inventory-3™ (NEO-PI-3™):
NEO-PI-3™ Basic Report for Business
NEO-PI-3™ Basic Report for Counselling
Price: CDN$39.00 each

Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire (NPQ)
Price: CDN$22.00 each

Occupational Stress Inventory - Revised Edition™ (OSI-R™)
Price: CDN$30.00 each

Psychological Screening Inventory - 2 (PSI-2):
Price: CDN$9.50 each

Non-Canadian customers: These prices are limited to Canadian customers of SIGMA Assessment Systems, Ltd. only. Please click here for non-Canadian pricing.

SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.